Central Bankers' Bank: Launching CBDC After Funding Germany in WW2 | Interview with Dr. Pascal Lottaz
Dr. Pascal Lottaz Explores How a Bank That Funded Nazi Germany Survived To Play A Key Role In CBDC Development
In part 1 of the video, Dr. Pascal Lottaz, a Professor of International Relations who focuses on Neutrality Studies and a fellow YouTuber at Neutrality Studies ( @neutralitystudies ) explores the controversial history of the central bankers' bank, the Bank for International Settlements. In the interview, we discuss how and why a private, central global bank was founded and what enabled this unique entity to go from funding the Nazi Germany during World War II to enjoying a key role in developing the framework for Central Bank Digital Currencies.
In part 2 of the video, which will go live on February 15th, Pascal and I will discuss key features that may be used to implement central bank digital currencies.
That was the first interview I have seen you conduct on your channel, Very well done. And very informative. It did raise more questions for me however, but I will wait until I watch part 2 of the interview to see if they get answered there. Keep up the great work.
Thank you! Readers may be interested in other NAZIs who came through the CIA post-WWII to help the U.S. and all of NATO. Wernher von Braun was most celebrated, but Arthur Rudolph and Erich Traub also advanced NASA or bio-weaponry. All were S.S. and the successes of all must have been models for Klaus Schwab, born 1938 in Ravensburg and now, still, Chief Exeuctive for World Economic Forum. https://donpaul.substack.com/p/klaus-schwab-the-early-years-1938