Lena this post is absolutely fantastic, but, please don't take this the wrong way, just scratching the surface. Likely my American myopic view, but how did Assad go from hobnobbing with the Clintons, Pelosi, John Kerry and many other Washington elites to public enemy number 1 in the region. Then, whether unintended consequences or not, the rise of ISIS, or ISIL as Obama would say, and even Benghazi...I hope that one as talented and insightful as you are willing to keep digging into this tragedy. Thank you.

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Wow Lena, that was a history lesson. I’ve elected to erase all my comments and observations as not sure brings anything to the table. The Millennial Kingdom will restore what is right. Have a good day and appreciate your heart for the oppressed and what is right

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Hi Lena , Israel is the 51 st state of America and controls the other 50 states ,Uk ,EU and

Donald Trump ,The Zionists have spread their vampire tenacles across the world including

the Vatican . this is headed for a all out world War ,China needs to start participating in the

fighting it has been relaxing on the coat tails of Russia , China should sell off it's Treasuries , stop exporting to the USA Inc. and ,invade Tawain and North

Korea Invade South Korea ,instead of piece meal operations, Russia has been exporting three fold

enriched Uranium to China in order to increase China's Nuclear strength.

Also Russia should start using their other secret weapons systems ie like the Persioden

Thomas .

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Jeremiah 22:17 KJB But thine eyes and thine heart are not but for thy covetousness, and for to shed innocent blood, and for oppression, and for violence, to do it.

Words cannot express the ignominy the U.S. bears. Great article, Lena.

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Yes, but unfortunately we are all forced to be unwilling accomplices of this terrible suffering with our tax dollars. Makes me sick just thinking about that. Apart from moving to some deserted island all I can do now get is down on my knees every day and earnestly pray to our Creator to bring and end this suffering once and for all. Still HIS WILL not mine, BTW, glad to see you back WinePress, I was wondering if you left .

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PS, I tried to fix the awkward grammar on 3rd line but the edit tool would not work.

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This is well researched and written. I don't have anything to add other than I will be using this as a reference on my next political commentary podcast in a couple of weeks. Thank you.

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Excellent, excellent post! Thank you.

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Hi, Lena, couldn’t find a way to PM you, so I hope you don’t mind, but will just leave this note here:

Know that I remain a supporter/subscriber of yours. However, pls. read what Stripe/Substack has been doing, and why am canceling paid subs right now: https://pathgirl8.substack.com/p/will-be-canceling-all-paid-substack

I will henceforth just be sending funds to support you via your PayPal account. I will bypass Substack/Stripe and not let them earn anything from my money transactions here, even if they’re a drop in their ocean of revenue. Just my way of starving the beast, even if it seems trivial in the world’s eyes.

Thanks for all you do to share truth and facts here!

~ Teresa L

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I echo @TMacro06's comment about this excellent post just "scratching the surface". Sadly, some of us in the collective west are way behind the curve with regards to Syria. Thankfully your insightful videos and writing helps us to gain perspective on many topics, and I would really appreciate a Syria 101 article to get me up to speed. I am at that early stage where I don't know what I don't know, so your help in getting me to at least the next level would be much appreciated.

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