Lena, what ever happened to price disscovery and mark to market? Only found now in the Smithsonian? :)

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Thanks again for another report.

I am wondering if you could do a report on your opinion with where residential housing is going. I see two schools of thought going on: one are the daily crash callers, pumping courses and enthusiastic reports that assures people of a massive dump-off and therefore a great buying opportunity; and the other crowd acknowledges that the lockdown on housing will stay the way that it is, and even get worse as mortgage rates go down and rate cuts are on the horizon, which will increase demand and forces prices back up as supply cannot keep up. I tend to go with the latter, but I would genuinely love to hear your take on things in a video or article. Thanks.

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Thanks again for another report.

I am wondering if you could do a report on your opinion with where residential housing is going. I see two schools of thought going on: one are the daily crash callers, pumping courses and enthusiastic reports that assures people of a massive dump-off and therefore a great buying opportunity; and the other crowd acknowledges that the lockdown on housing will stay the way that it is, and even get worse as mortgage rates go down and rate cuts are on the horizon, which will increase demand and forces prices back up as supply cannot keep up. I tend to go with the latter, but I would genuinely love to hear your take on things in a video or article. Thanks.

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The US housing market is an interesting scenario, with sales in decline, yet rising prices, which would generally be contradictory.

There appears to be a shortage of home "Sellers" in the market.

This to my mind, given the still high interest rates, would make anyone very foolish if they were to purchase a home at this point in time, with a mortgage bond, if they are banking on forthcoming interest rate reductions, unless the segment of the economy in which they either operate their businesses or are employed, are currently immune to the high interest rates, and they therefore still have disposable income.

It could also mean that there is a flood of "Cash" home buyers, which would raise the question as to how so many people had suddenly become cash flush.

Either way, there's definitely something we don't understand going on in the Housing market.

It might not be a bad idea at this time for the Bill proposing the sale of all homes owned by companies, as it appears doubful that it would have a great impact on market prices, given the still apparent " Hot" demand for homes.

Considering that Texas is one of the fastest growing States in the US, both by population and economically, it is somewhat odd that two of the cities with the highest office vacancy rates, are in Texas, which is another oddity.

The number of outliers to general trends are increasing, and definitely warrant further investigation, in order to gain a clearer understanding of these situations.

Student debt forgiveness is merely another desperate Biden election ploy, at the expense of US citizens, which should make those whose debt has been forgiven, rather question their future under the Biden Regime, rather than voting for Biden out of misplaced gratitude for their debt cancellation, and is actually more of a test in regard to the nature and quality of education they received, which incurred that debt.

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Why does a govt need to borrow other people’s money to buy the goods it consumes and services it provides?

If a govt can create Treasury Bonds “out of thin air” and pay interest to the buyers of those bonds, then why can’t a govt create Loans “out of thin air” and collect interest from the borrowers of those loans?

Alexander Hamilton:

“The intrinsic wealth of a nation is to be measured, not by the abundance of the precious metals contained in it, but by the quantity of the productions of its labor and industry.”



The life blood of the Black Nobs is their control over the money that courses through every financial transaction between every person that is necessary for each person to acquire the goods and services they need to survive.

We can make the Black Nobs irrelevant by each sovereign nation taking back control over their own Monetary System.

A New Monetary System with A New National Bank


The Black Nobility


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