We've spent every cent we made, plus added 100% more debt, in less than 10 years. Now, we're stealing 300 billion dollars from Russia to pay for war ravaged Ukraine. Which NATO started by breaking 2010 agreement to leave Ukraine neutral. Is now the time I start to think I'm on the wrong side? Lol...

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Hey Lena, have you seen what Blackrock has said surrounding the launch of Bitcoin ETFs? Fink came out last week and praised the move, comparing it to gold and claimed that it is a precursor to tokenization.



Moreover, not sure if you have heard of this, but in 2019 Blackrock put out a document called, "Dealing with the next downturn: From unconventional monetary policy to unprecedented policy coordination.” In it, they explicitly say that they wanted massive inflation and helicopter money to occur as a way to then justify tokenization, CBDCs, and digital IDs.

Since you have been warning about tokenization I figured you might this interesting.



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Here's further confirmation of the FED Bureau of labor statistics, having lied about jobs being created.


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Of course there is one other factor which I didn't account for a lack of decrease of the unemployment percentage, being that a large portion of the 216 000 employed last month were undocumented illegal migrants who are not officially part of the US unemployment pool.

Now I don't know how things work in the US, but employment of undocumented migrants in South Africa, or those without a work permit generally results in arrest of the employer, and eithera prison term or a heavy fine.

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"This ongoing trend should be a major concern as it raises the question of why the Bureau of Labor Statistics provides monthly data with such a considerable margin of error or clear inaccuracies."

Lena, as per your statement above, I am finding similar anomalies and have stated so before in regard to figures released by the FED in all departments.

Here's an example :

First off, I don't know what the size of the total pool of unemployed Americans looks like, nor do I know if it was calculated as a percentage of the total population, which makes it meaningless, or as percentage of work capable Americans actually seeking work, which would be more meaningful.

So, I assumed the total number of currently employed Americans at 150 million, which I divided into the latest employment figure of 216 000, and got a percentage increase in employment of 0.144%, so how is it possible that the Unemployment figure of 3.7% is unaffected month on month???

Unless there are a lot more than 150 million Americans employed, which I doubt would vary much, and the balance of the population would be made up of retirees, children, disabled, stay at home spouses, and those not seeking employment.

Furthermore Janet Yellen is either an idiot, or busy with the usual political speak in her assessment, as she he failed to take into account the ongoing conflict in the Ukraine and the domino effect impact it will have on the US economy moving forward, as well as the impending glibal recession, and in addition the current crisis in the Middle East, which is almost doubling Shipping rates, and well as increasing the time taken to ship, as well as the cost effect of military support in the Middle East crisis, that will surely impact the US, and lead to more borrowing.

Yesterday I saw an interesting data set which showed that the US borrowed $652 billion in the last quarter, while the economy only grew by $547 billion over the same period, meaning that there was a loss of value contribution to the economy of borrowed money and a difference of $105 billion ( for a single quarter ) which flowed out of the country, either legally or illegally from the government coffers, which is unaccounted for, and the impact of this, is another factor Janet Yellen has not taken into account, or fails to reveal.

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In my opinion U.S. debt is just numbers ,U.S. is free of any obligation to repay as long it obeys the invisible world government.

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What about the growing interest that has to be paid, which is currently at approximately $1.5 trillion and soon to be the largest budgetary item, which will continue to grow, and undoubtedly lead to a default, which will put the US on a par with Argentina?

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Is this "soft landing" "transitory," Ms. Yellen? LOL

These people always talk in coded language. Sounds like she's really saying, "the 1%'ers are now in the untouchable class; and as for the rest of the plebs, Let them eat cake!"

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